
Wirewolf is a fictional villain in the Disney animated science fiction adventure series, "Buzz Lightyear of Star Command". He is voiced by Steve Hytner and is the alter ego of Space Ranger Ty Parsec.

Ty Parsec possesses the ability of robotic lycanthropy, giving him the ability to transform into a creature known as a Wirewolf (a robot werewolf). His transformation abilities came about through a bite he received from the robotic 'energy vampire', NOS-4-A2. Ty is able to morph into the Wirewolf by the light of the radioactive green moon. This moon only rises over the planet of Canis Lunis.

Like NOS-4-A2, Wirewolf 'eats' electrical energy that is produced by robots and other objects run by electrical energy.

As a Wirewolf, Ty has displayed superhuman strength and durability, on par with those of the Hulk. It is not stated what the Wirewolf is constructed of, but it is a strong metallic alloy - possibly armorillium or terillium carbonic alloy (fictional metals that only exist in the Buzz Lightyear of Star Command universe).

The creature by itself seems to possess the intelligence of a living wolf and acts primarily on predatory instinct. With the later influences from Ty, it appears to have more capability of human-like thought and emotion.

Wirewolf has only spoken once (incoherently); it mostly vocalizes in growls, howls, and other lupine methods. It has the ability to walk on twos, but can run faster on all fours.

It can break down very thick, metal doors and its claws can puncture straight through them without much effort. Retractable wings have also been at its disposal, allowing Wirewolf the ability of flight. It may also shoot out wires from its hands. These wires can grab onto people or objects, and have been used to capture or drain its targets of electrical energy.

Other abilities may be present, but have not been fully explored in the series.

More Information
*Much more information can be found at 's Ty Parsec page.
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