William Edward Willoughby

Bill Willoughby is the founder and current Board Member of National CleanUp Day, a nonprofit environmental organization in located in Denver, CO. Willoughby is an expert in the movement to solve the plastics waste crisis in the environment. He advises or collaborates with Earth Day, Keep America Beautiful, , and World Cleanup Day and programs reach is approaching fifty million people. Willoughby has worked in conservation since 2007, promoting volunteerism globally in keeping the outdoors clean.
To address the challenges inherent in conservation, Willoughby has developed a series of concepts to target specific concepts to micro-target behavior change in specific groups. Partnerships by National CleanUp Day that Willoughby helped establish include Earth Day, Keep America Beautiful, Waterkeeper Alliance, Ocean Conservancy, National Parks Conservation Association, Junior Chamber International, and Clean Trails.
Willoughby currently represents North America on the Board of Directors of World Cleanup Day and the movement. Willoughby was a keynote speaker at the 2021 World CleanUp Conference and is Co-Founder of Clean Trails.Willoughby has also spoken about plastic pollution for Earth Day.
Before founding National CleanUp Day, he held executive positions in international business development and telecommunications, plus an electronics waste businesses.
Willoughby coined the terms Litter Getters for the tools to pickup trash/litter on hiking trails and “Ill-Litterates” to describe people that litter in the outdoors. Willoughbyʼs grandfather helped him develop a sense of ownership of the world he carries with him today. On a hike, we came over a hill and saw the valley below and it was the most beautiful sight. My grandfather told me, we were seeing what our forefathers saw. He cautioned that “I would want my own grandkids to see this same amazing scenery, so I’d better not screw it up.”
Willoughby has dual degrees in electrical engineering and telecommunications.
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