Wicked Weather Watch

Wicked Weather Watch (WWW) is a UK charity that aims to provide clarity for children and young people about climate change and global warming. It was set up by David Hempleman-Adams in 2009 and Professor Terry V. Callaghan is a Patron.
Wicked Weather Watch helps young people to understand the difference between 'climate' and 'weather', how climate change will affect their lives and what steps they can take to lead more energy efficient lifestyles. Wicked Weather Watch works with schools to offer a unique insight into climate change, providing up to the minute resources for lessons and assemblies as well as opportunities to hear directly from people who have visited the Arctic.
Wicked Weather Watch will follow the Polar Ocean Challenge in summer 2016 - an historic voyage by David and his crew to be the first British yacht to circumnavigate the Arctic Ocean in one summer season. This voyage is only possible due to levels of Arctic sea ice decline in both the North-East Passage and North-west passage of the Arctic. Climate change is having a significant impact on the people of the Arctic and Arctic animals such as polar bears, narwhals and arctic char. However, climate change will impact us all as only a small change in biodiversity can have big global impact.
Wicked Weather Watch is a registered charity in the UK, charity number 1133006.
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