White House Cyber Security Adviser

The White House Cyber Security Adviser Security Adviser is a spot in a presidents Advidery roll. It was originally created for Donald Trump because of Russian hacking Allegations the spot was created. The Current and 1st White House Cyber Security Adviser is Rudy Giuliani, Who was named on January 12th, 2017. It is informal to the president to see any kind of hacking in or near the White House.
The Creation of The White House Cyber Security Adviser
The White House Cyber Security Adviser was created because there were Allegations of hacking during the 2016 Election, by the Russians the FBI went into the case but found no evidence. To be on the safe side of things The White House created the Advisery to stop any kind of other Cyber Attacks.

Rudy Guiliani
Rudy Giuliani got picked after he dropped Donald Trump's consideration for Rudy as Secratary of State, Trump then named Rudy as Cyber Security Adviser. This happened due to Rudy being the head of the cybersecurity consoling firm of the Giuliani brothers.
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