White Hot Room

The White Hot Room (or the White-Hot Room) is a fictional dimension appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. It is the home of the Phoenix Force and where Phoenix hosts go after they die. It exists outside of the Multiverse, but also within the . It has been called "the epicenter of creation and rebirth."
The White Hot Room first appeared, retroactively, in the backup story for Classic X-Men #8 by Chris Claremont and John Bolton. It was established and named in New X-Men #154 by Grant Morrison and Marc Silvestri.
The White Hot Room can appear as an endless white void, but it has also appeared in other forms, too. In the backup story for Classic X-Men #43, by Chris Claremont and Mike Collins, the Room appeared as a large tower being constructed in space, with the construction worker identified by Jean Grey as Death. In Defenders: Beyond #3, by Al Ewing and Javier Rodriguez, it appears the white void, the tower, a dark cave lit by a single fire, a snowy landscape, and an endless expanse of desert. This desert reappears in Immortal X-Men #14, by Kieron Gillen and Lucas Werneck, where it's eventually revealed to be the White Hot Room.
In New X-Men #54, it was shown to be the home of all of the hosts of the Phoenix Force, past, present, and future. In Jean Grey #11, by Dennis Hallum, Victor Ibanez, and Alberto Jiménez Alburquerque, the Phoenix states that is "a nexus between all Phoenix hosts and our eternal flame. A place of rest and contemplation. Home to every being with whom I've merged. Every Phoenix host leaves a piece of itself here with me."
In Classic X-Men #8, a series that reprinted classic X-Men stories with original backups that often "filled in" moments of continuity, Jean Grey, while dying of radiation during X-Men #100, finds herself in a blinding white void where she first encounters the Phoenix. Even though this white void remained unnamed until New X-Men #154, it is technically the first appearance of the White Hot Room. In Classic X-Men #43, after dying, Jean Grey finds herself in the White Hot Room again, alongside an aspect of Death.
In New X-Men #138, as the character of Quentin Quire dies and ascends into a higher dimension, he says "...I'm streaming...going away...into the bigger rooms..outside rooms bigger than the whole world." The White Hot Room is finally shown in New X-Men #154 as an afterlife for the Phoenix and its hosts. In X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong, the Phoenix returns from the White Hot Room temporarily.
In S.W.O.R.D. vol 2 #1, the mutant circuit known as the Six manage to break into the White Hot Room and bring back a substance they call "Mysterium." This metal is harder and stronger than Adamantium and has anti-magical properties.
In Defenders: Beyond #3, the Defenders find themselves in the White Hot Room as Taaia is possessed by the Phoenix. Much like the earlier stories by Claremont, this issue equates the White Hot Room with Tiphareth of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah.
After X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023, during the Fall of X crossover, the majority of Krakoa's population (around 250,000 mutants) were exiled through Krakoan gates into a vast and seeming endless desert; in Immortal X-Men #16, this desert is revealed to be the White Hot Room. After the Mister Sinister clone Mother Righteous stabs Jean in the center of the White Hot Room, both the Phoenix and the White Hot Room began to die. At the end of Rise of the Powers of X #5, both the Phoenix and the White Hot Room were restored. The finale of the Krakoan Age X-Men #35 revealed that while many mutants were able to get back to Earth to fight Orchis, a large number of them still remained in the White Hot Room and this "New Krakoa" flourished, returning to Earth after fifteen years before going back to the White Hot Room.
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