What is this reason for inequality

<big>Big text</big><big>Big text</big>Why cant humanity become equal?
<big>Big text</big>Equality the state or quality of being equal
To start talking about the question I asked about equality I need to first bring you to the past starting from slavery;most people know slavery is gone; some dont know is that there are still 21 million slaves in the world most to trafficking; but continuing to the 13th amendment or slavery being abolished; during this time can segrigation "The most important Jim Crow laws required that public schools, public facilities, e.g., water fountains, toilets, and public transportation, like trains and buses, have separate facilities for whites and blacks. These laws meant that black people were legally required to:
• attend separate schools and churches
• use public bathrooms marked “for colored only”
• eat in a separate section of a restaurant
• sit in the rear of a bus" http://socialwelfare.library.vcu.edu/eras/civil-war-reconstruction/jim-crow-laws-andracial-segregation/
This leads to the civil rights movement https://en. .org/wiki/Civil_rights_movements
Martin Luther king and Malcolm X
https://en. .org/wiki/Martin_Luther_King_Jr.
https://en. .org/wiki/Malcolm_X
Now before the 20th century begins becomes the woman's rights movement comes or woman's suffrage movement and more activist come to be
https://en. .org/wiki/Susan_B._Anthony
Now the 21st century what is there now well there is something Im going to go into more detail now.
The 21st century racism still exists because of some of the 20th century are still alive including Donald trump
https://en. .org/wiki/Donald_Trump
The racialism now happens under governments eyes and most of ours but the most recent fix was the cameras added to police because of the last century of police brutality
There are many incidents including
https://en. .org/wiki/Police_brutality#United_States
This is one of my upcoming world problems I will add the place the world problem is focused on racism is on U.S.A.
But in conclusion the reson that there is noe equality yet is power
If you hear the saying "the pen is more power full than the sword"
This turns to the "pen is mightier than gun"
but since 2012 this turns to my own saying " money is more powerfull than the sword and gun and any thing elce"
Money is a form of power that came from the beginning 20th century when you could pay off police with money to not arrest you; this disappears in the end of the 20th century,
But Its not gone yet an unknown fact that not much people know is that the reson the tobacco company is alive is case the tobacco company offered the government money (not long ago a few years ago the tobacco company offered money and the government stayed how much this started in 2010 at $2 billion; 2015 it was $2.6 billion)
This prove money is stronger, mightier, or other than all other forms of power therefore
Money makes the pen wright on the paper the paper is stronger than the gun and sword.
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