Whale Protection Status

Whale Protection Status
General Information
Whale Protection Status(WPS) is something the Canadian Goverment refers to when they have an endangered whale species under protection. The majority of other countries in the world that contain whales do not use this. They allow just about everything to happen to the whales. Though, The Canadian Goverment protects whales in the following areas: St. Lawrence River, West coast of Canada (all the way up), Bay of St. Lawrence, and the north coast of Canada.
Actual Whale Status
The status of whales in the regions listed above are listed here.
Blue whale-Endangered
Humpback Whale-Least Concern
Fin whale-Endangered
North Atlantic Right Whale-Endangered
Sperm Whale-Vulnerable
Northern Bottlenose Whale-Critical (in st. lawrence river)-Least concern (world)
Long finned pilot whale-Data Insufficent
Updates will be shown if the whales protection status changes.
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