Operational Programme Italy-Malta 2007-2013

The Operational Programme Italy-Malta 2007-2013 is an European cooperation programme according to the European Cohesion Policy 2007-2013. It is the prosecution of the previous Italy-Malta Programme 2004-2006, the first bilateral territorial cooperation’s experience between Sicilian Regional Administration and the Government of Malta.
Eligible area
The eligible areas of the Operational Programme Italy-Malta 2007-2013 are the following:
1) NUTS III areas which enjoy physical proximity:
Areas in Sicily:
The regional Provinces of Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Ragusa, Siracusa and Trapani.
Areas in Malta:
The entire state of Malta (which includes the islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino).
2) NUTS III adjacent areas:
The regional Provinces of Catania and Palermo.
Purpose and aim
The Italy-Malta Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013 aims to strengthen the cultural, economic and social resources which are shared by both Malta and Sicily, encouraging sustainable development and promoting joint and coordinated initiatives.
General objective
The Programme aims at achieving the following General Objective:
“Strengthening the attractiveness and the competitiveness of the cross-border area, within a framework of environmental sustainability”
In order to achieve the overall objective, the strategic choices have been directed to three intervention’s priorities:
• Priority Axis I: Competitiveness - Research and Innovation; Sustainable Development
• Priority Axis II: Environment, Energy and Risk prevention
• Priority Axis III: Technical assistance, Awareness, Communication and Publicity
The Priority Axis I aims to promote the competitiveness and innovation in the cross-border area through the support of research and innovation, the improvement of cross-border accessibility, the reinforcement of transport systems, the improvement of the integrated tourist offer of the cooperation area, the strengthening of cross-border institutional partnership between Italy and Malta.
The Priority Axis II aims to promote the protection, management and valorization of common natural and cultural resources through the safeguarding, exploitation and monitoring of natural resources, the prevention of the natural and technological risks, the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency. All these initiatives aim to implement a common program for the sustainable development and cultural promotion in the space of cooperation.
The Priority Axis III aims to secure a high quality level of management, surveillance and control of the Operational Programme through Activities of technical assistance, animation, advising, support, in order to allow an effective management of the phases of preparation, realization, monitoring, follow up, evaluation, information and control of the interventions.
The total budget of Italy-Malta Operational Programme is € 30 million for the 2007 - 2013 period:
• 14,8 million for Priority Axis I
• 13,5 million for Priority Axis II
• 1,8 million for technical assistance.
Programme management and authorities
The common cooperation organs for the implementation of the Programme are:
• the Managing Authority (MA): it is responsible for the management and implementation of the OP according to the principle of sound financial management. The Managing Authority of the Programme is the pro-tempore executive body of Sicilia Region;
• the Maltese National Coordination Authority: it takes charge through a regulatory function of monitoring and control on reality of expenses and a function of animation of the implementation of the programme on national territory;
• the Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS): it acts as the technical operational body assisting the Managing Authority, the Certifying Authority, the Monitoring Committee, the Steering Committee, if necessary, the Audit Authority;
• the Certifying Authority: it is responsible for the correct certification of the expenditures allocated for the Programme’s implementation and for the payment requests to be sent to the Commission;
• the Audit Authority: it is responsible for the control and the effective functioning of the management and control system;
• the Monitoring Committee: it is in charge of checking on the effectiveness and quality of the Programme’s implementation and it shall be composed by an equal number of Italian and Maltese members who shall be nominated by the Programme Partners and shall be have the right to vote;
• the Executive Committee: it is the ‘partnership’ technical structure which supports the Managing Authority in the implementation of the Programme.
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