Wei Shi

Wei Shi is an associate professor in the School of Information Technology(CSIT) at Carleton University. She is cross-appointed by the System and Computer Engineering Department. Her research interests include big data analytics; data privacy; cloud and data centre network; distributed computing in mobile agent systems; wireless sensor actuator/robot networks; and privacy protection.
Shi’s research is supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and IBM .
Shi received her Bachelors of Engineering at Harbin Institute of Technology in China and completed her Masters and PhD in Computer Science at Carleton University.
Prior to joining Carleton University, Wei Shi worked in the Game Development and Entrepreneurship program in the Faculty of Business and IT, at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT).
Shi also worked at the National Information Security in China and for Beijing Founder Order Computer System Ltd. As a project manager in the latter enterprise, she led a team of 30 programmers developing an online welfare registration and distribution system for the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Shi won best paper awards at the 4th IEEE Cloud and Bigdata Computing (CBDCom 2018) and the 31st Annual IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2018) .
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