Wagile software development

Wagile software development is a group of software development methodologies that result from attempting to implement Agile in environments not ideally suited to or ill-prepared for this methodology, where the resulting approach is a combination of agile and waterfall methodologies.
Article excerpt
Going ‘Wagile’
...Some teams turn to agile practices to dig their way out of failing projects, said Forrester analyst Peter Sterpe. “They do two-week iterations, engage in frequent, intentional communication, and do frequent builds.”
But that’s not agile development, he said. “They are simply getting a little bit iterative to put their projects back on track.”
*deJong, Jennifer Agile Principles Are Changing Everything. 2008.
Further reading
*Gorman, Jason. [http://parlezuml.com/blog/?postid=620 Phase Transition Illustrates Waterfall-Agile (or is it "WAgile")?]. 2008.
*Gorman, Jason. The WAgile Software Development Life Cycle. 2008.
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