Damon Poole

Damon Poole is the architect of AccuRev, AccuWork, AccuWorkflow and AccuReplica. He co-founded AccuRev in 1999 and is the technical visionary for AccuRev product strategy and direction.
Damon is a methodology and process improvement expert specializing in helping companies discover and implement their ideal process. His twenty years of experience spans the gamut from small collocated teams all the way up to 10,000-person shops doing global development. This includes companies such as Fidelity Investments, where he tested the limits of what can be built on top of Rational's ClearCase and the Open Software Foundation, where he led the SCM tools development effort for massive multi-vendor integration projects.
He often writes, or is consulted for his thoughts on software development topics such as Agile Development, Continuous Integration, and Multi-stage continuous integration.
Damon is also the founder of CM Today, The First Daily SCM News Site, which was acquired by CM Crossroads in 2003. He holds two patents on SCM (7,437,722 & 7,614,038) and earned his BS in Computer Science at the University of Vermont in 1987.
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