Vulcan Ventures

Vulcan Ventures is a series of children’s books closely following the restoration to flight of the World’s only flying Avro Vulcan aeroplane.
Written by Edmund Squibb, with illustrations by Margaret Doig, the first volume, '1. Testing Times' was published in August 2009 by The Vulcan to the Sky Club. All proceeds go directly to funding the continued display-flying of Vulcan “FiveFiveEight”, the book’s central character.
Few aeroplanes measure up to the mighty Avro Vulcan. Designed as Britain's primary method of defence after the Second World War, it proved to be one of the most iconic aviation creations of all time.
After a gap of some fifteen years, Vulcan XH558's unique delta shape triumphantly returned to our skies, an achievement that many thought impossible - including FiveFiveEight herself!
Vulcan Ventures is a brand new series of books, following FiveFiveEight's life as Britain's most impressive display aeroplane. Follow her as she visits many different air displays in Britain and Europe, meeting other intriguing aircraft along the way, even some famous ones!
This new series introduces FiveFiveEight to a generation of Britons who've never witnessed the sheer power and majesty of this amazing aeroplane.
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