Vomicide (vomit+suicide) is an old, obscure and debated ritual, initially attributed to a Japanese brotherhood in the 17th century. A two-step process that involves the free fall from a high point and the act of regurgitation, once aloft. As a fulfillment of ultimate self-desecration, the victim deliberately incites the vomit, which will eventually cover the corpse. Researchers have pointed out the sociological metaphor that vomicide transcends in life, not only upon its epilogue. “A chef d'oeuvre of humiliation that forcefully condemns the social trends” is a quote attributed by some tabloids to the late[http://en. .org/wiki/Famous_suicide#H] Arihio Hase
It has to be noted that the origins of this suicidal custom are not clear, while its mere existence is often debated and cannot be yet supported by written evidence.
According to another version, the Greek translation for the word "vomicide" is "Emektonia" ("Ekmek"=turkish traditional bread http://tr. .org/wiki/Ekmek + "tonia": Greek word that expresses obsession). The "Ekmektoniacs" where people obsessed with eating "Ekmek" during the period of Turkish posession of Greece. The tradition of eating Ekmek passed on to the Greeks for many generations until now and the word "Ekmektoniac" was rephrased as "emektonic" anb the phenomenon as "emektonia" (vomicide). The transition from the Orient to Europe could be readily explained by the expansion of the Ottoman Empire westwards[http://en. .org/wiki/Ottoman_empire#Growth_.281453.E2.80.931683.29]
Metal rock connection
Alternative/thrash metal band [http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactionuser.viewprofile&friendID74995834 Vomicide] from Northeast England have been inspired by this custom for the band's name. Also, Gerbophilia's is already another indication that this obscure ritual has infiltrated certain layers of the emotional music scene.