VMG Network

VMG Network is a Multi-channel network based in Toronto, Canada. It was originally created to assist content creators on video platforms such as YouTube. The network went live on January 26, 2013 and is being run by a volunteers and dedicated members.
Early History
VMG Network was created by two teenage boys from Toronto, Canada on January 26, 2013. Both boys shared a passion for internet and web content creation. The original idea for a YouTube Network was proposed by Jonathan Ho. He proposed the idea to several other students in his school, but most had backed away from the project before anything could be done. However, one student who agreed to the idea was Bijan Samiee. Bijan had been a YouTuber and content creator for several years before the idea was proposed, and he agreed with the idea right away.
Official Openings
Though created on January 26, 2013, the network was opened to the public during the summer months of 2013. Between January and June, the two boys had been working on the YouTube channel, website, etc. After announcing to the public that the network was open, it slowly began to gain a fanbase.
The fanbase that the network had attracted was glowing slowly and steadily, and it wasn't until the network had began producing higher quality videos that they began receiving a larger fanbase.
VMG Productions
VMG Network has 4 sub-divisions. One of these divisions is VMG Productions. The productions division is the part of the network that focuses on video content. This content can be in the form of short films, YouTube videos, and other types of internet content. The productions division was created in September, 2013.
Since the creation of the productions division, there has been two short films created so far. The two films are Breached and No Way Back.
Breached (2014) was released on February 3, 2014. It was released to YouTube.
No Way Back
No Way Back (2014) was released on May 28, 2014. It was released to YouTube as well.
Other names: The Unspeakable Film
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