
Viralogy, Inc. is an eCommerce Intelligence company founded by Yu-kai Chou, Jun Loayza, Stephen Johnson and Joseph Yi in 2008. Based out of Silicon Valley, Viralogy builds tools for eCommerce sites that increase conversions and profitability. Viralogy's founding team are UCLA alumni who have extensive experience in web consulting for Fortune 500 companies and who speak at various social media conferences throughout the United States.
Dynamic Insights & eCommerce Intelligence
In May 2010, Viralogy launched their suite of intelligent eCommerce solutions starting with their product recommendation tool, Dynamic Insights. Viralogy's tools help eCommerce sites by solving their problem which is an inability to understand or act upon their customer data due to the lack of tools. Viralogy solves these problems by automatically turning data into higher profits. Viralogy's tools gather behavior and purchase data on eCommerce sites and automatically predicts what visitors want to buy, greatly increasing a visitor's conversion rate.
Currently, Viralogy's product suite includes smart onsite and email product displays that work like widgets similar to the technology that reportedly generates 30% of revenue. While a visitor is browsing, they will see items that they most likely would want to buy. Also, whenever a shopper abandons their cart, Viralogy's tools automatically sends the shopper an email reminding them of it and showing them items that they would most likely want instead.
Viralogy's future plans include features that help eCommerce sites optimize their rewards system, item placement, stocking management, and pricing.
Awards and recognition
# 1st place at the CINACON 2009 VC Pitch Competition
#Top 10 (out of 140) Startups in the and Juice Pitcher Competition
#1st place at Jason Calacanis' This Week in Startups - LA pitch competition
Viralogy Management Team
Chief Executive Officer: Yu-kai Chou
Chief Marketing Officer: Jun Loayza
Chief Technical Officer: Stephen Johnson
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