Vince Coglianese

Vince Coglianese is an American radio show host, political commentator, and news website editor. He co-hosts the "Mornings on the Mall" show on WMAL-FM and is editorial director at The Daily Caller.
Coglianese served as web editor for, and was a radio talk show host for The Talk Station (WTKF/WJNC) in Morehead City, North Carolina. In 2010, Coglianese joined The Daily Caller as an editor, reporting on and editing thousands of national news stories. He replaced site-founder Tucker Carlson as editor-in-chief in 2016. talk show in July 2020, replacing Brian Wilson. Walter had taken the position in February 2017, when moved from mornings to afternoons. Cumulus Media and WMAL Program Director VP/NewsTalk Bill Hess said of the station's pick: his current role.
Coglianese and Walter regularly conduct on-air interviews with prominent figures in the news. Recent interviews have included U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, and former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe diGenova. White House Coronavirus Task Force infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, appeared on the show in March 2020.
Coglianese has appeared regularly as a guest on the CNBC, CNN, Fox Business Network, Fox News Channel, and MSNBC. U.S. House Representative John Ratcliffe, a Republican from Texas, appeared on a CPAC panel with Coglianese in 2020 (the day before he was nominated to fill the position of director of national intelligence). In 2018, Coglianese appeared on a CPAC panel with Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio and Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, who also makes appearances on his radio show.
Media commentary
Coglianese has regularly commented on the state of media in the U.S., both legacy and social. Commenting in May 2014 on the growth of alternate media sources during the Obama Administration, Coglianese said, “The mainstream press and the liberal press have given us space to rise. We’re seeing conservative reporters starting to pick up what the left-wing press has ignored.” In November 2016 his opinion was sought by the Wall Street Journal on the pressure social media platforms are feeling from the proliferation of "fake news". When asked by Maxwell Tani of Business Insider in February 2017 to comment on how media had changed since the election of Donald Trump as president, he said, "We're covering the media a lot more now. The reflexive hysteria among the mainstream press has been deeply revealing and totally intriguing to document. We'll keep following it," Coglianese said. When The Daily Caller promoted its youngest reporter, Alex Pfeiffer, 20, to replace Kaitlan Collins as White House Correspondent, Coglianese stated:
He contradicted major media in December 2018 on their reporting of the White House Chief of Staff stepping down, saying, “John Kelly has no intention of resigning in the coming days, despite media reports to the contrary". Coglianese's comment on U.S. House Representative Eric Swalwell, Democrat from California, posting a Twitter selfie with the text, "It's snowing in #NewYork. I need coffee. The closest cafe is inside Trump Tower. This is me walking to an alternative." was used by Business Insider in June 2019 to illustrate the "most cringeworthy social-media fails of the 2020 presidential campaign".
During a March 24,2020 interview with National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci, a highly-influential leader on the White House Coronavirus Task Force, Coglianese, asked about concerns the media might be highlighting differences between the doctor's opinions and those of the president of the U.S. Fauci responded:
CNN host Chris Cuomo had said the night before this interview that "telling the truth about Trump" was more dangerous for Dr. Anthony Fauci than the coronavirus," noting the doctor had not been present at a White House task force briefing earlier in that day. “Do you know what’s more dangerous than COVID?” Cuomo said. ”Telling the truth about Trump as a member of the executive branch. No one survives that. Why put Fauci in a position of having to admit that Trump is wrong or lying when we already know that to be the case?”
During a November 11, 2020 on-air interview with Secretary Alex Azar, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the story broke that Pfizer waited for Joe Biden to be declared president-elect by major media before announcing the successful clinical trial results for its coronavirus vaccine — alerting the Biden campaign before informing the Trump administration which had pre-paid Pfizer $1.25 billion for the first 100 million doses of their yet-to-be-developed vaccine. During the interview, Azar announced he'd heard about the company's vaccine breakthrough in the news, stating: “I as secretary of health and human services learned about this from media reports on Monday morning.” “If the Biden campaign found out Sunday night but you . . didn’t find out until Monday, that sounds like there’s a problem there,” Coglianese queried his guest. “There certainly was a gap in communication, let’s say,” Azar said.
When asked by Tucker Carlson on his show later that day if Pfizer had intentionally held back its vaccine announcement for political reasons, Coglianese replied that anyone wondering why the company only announced success after Biden's victory had been declared should “do the math.”
Notable interviews
U.S. President Donald J. Trump gave an interview to Coglianese and Saagar Enjeti on September 5, 2018 who asked him "Do you think you’re going to be declassifying the FISA documents that have been targeting your campaign?” The president responded:
While apparently "laying low"
Interviews with co-host Walter on the WMAL "Mornings on the Mall" radio talk show have included U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe diGenova, White House Coronavirus Task Force infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Tom Fitton, head of Judicial Watch. During an August 31, 2020 interview with Pompeo, the Secretary of State announced that Trump was "weighing" restricting Chinese students from studying in the United States. He added, "not every Chinese student who is here is working on behalf of or at the behest of, the direction of the Chinese Communist Party, but it’s something President Trump has taken a serious, serious look at."
Other notable interviews on the radio show include:
* Alex Azar, U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services
* Professor Gordon Chang, expert on Asia
* Todd Gilbert, Minority Leader of the Virginia House of Delegates
* Newt Gingrich, 50th Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
* Jack Keane, retired American four-star general, former Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army, and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient.
* John Matze, CEO of Parler
* Congressman Steve Scalise, United States House of Representatives Minority Whip and representative for Louisiana's 1st congressional district.
* Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union
* Cal Thomas, noted American syndicated columnist, pundit, author and radio commentator.
In August 2017, media critic for The Washington Post, Erik Wemple, found "astonishing . . the defense offered by the Daily Caller’s Vince Coglianese," of an article critical of "some paragraphs scolding 11-year-old Barron Trump for falling short of the sartorial accomplishments of his parents." In an email to the Associated Press Coglianese had later declared, “Leave Barron alone.” Wemple stated this was a "classless move . . astonishing in light of decades of tradition in which the media accord presidential families a high degree of privacy and in light of the common-sense imperative of allowing children to grow up without becoming targets of the media."
Formerly "conservative" Washington Post columnist, Jennifer Rubin, included "repugnant" comments made by former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, Joe diGenova in an interview with Coglianese and Walter to support her contention that "the Republicans’ moral decline and perverse priorities have never been more evident than in the remarks of three Republicans who weighed in on the Ukraine scandal." DiGenova had characterized the impeachment proceedings as "a political assassination. This is a decapitation of a president. This is regicide.” He added, "This has nothing to do with the lawful processes of the U.S. Constitution."
Awards, honors, and distinctions
In 2019 Coglianese was listed in the Top 100 TALKERS Magazine "Heavy Hundred" awards along with Mary Walter, , and Chris Plante. Coglianese and Walter were ranked 54th in TALKERS Magazine 2020 Heavy Hundred as a team broadcasting from WMAL-FM.
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