Vin DiCarlo

Vin DiCarlo (born August 29, 1978 in Middletown, Connecticut) is a dating coach and pickup instructor, and a member of the seduction community living just outside of Boston, MA.

He coined the term “Natural Game”, in a 2006 internet essay and gave birth to the style. He has spoken at the University of Syracuse as a guest lecturer on ‘Sexual Selection and Attraction’ and has authored several e-books and audio programs including “Sexual Selection Switch” and “Dating Diablo”.


DiCarlo grew up in Portland, Connecticut. He has described his former self as a geek and a virgin until his last year in high school. After graduating from high school, he attended the University of Connecticut where he studied Physics. The one girlfriend he had ended up cheating on him. “DiCarlo “swore he’d never feel like that again” but was introduced to and married a woman soon after graduation. They separated 6 months later.

At 22, he was divorced, miserable and working 9 - 5 at an Engineering firm in Bloomfield, CT. He quit after a few months to “devote more time to the rock band he played in.”portrait/> “To pay the bills, he started a janitorial business taking a cue from his father who owned a cleaning company for years.” He drove a white cleaning van complete with equipment and chemicals in the back. portrait/>

Involvement in the Seduction Community

Finally “he heard a story about a guy who had a trick for picking up girls in 10 minutes.” He did some research online soon found Ross Jeffries, and then later “reading the work of other pickup pioneers, particularly David DeAngelo.”

Vin “became a devotee of an Internet discussion group” (ASF) and in 2003 founded a seduction lair in Boston. He “eventually quit the band because he didn’t have time to rehearse.” “He expanded the Boston lair” and “began writing about seductionism”.

Professional Involvement

In early 2005, DiCarlo and friend Sebastian (Dmitri) Drake “founded a seduction training company called TheApproach and began offering boot camps in Boston and New York…TheApproach was soon staging workshops in cities from San Francisco to London.”

In 2007, DiCarlo left TheApproach to start a new company called DiCarlo DiClassified.
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