Victoria Perelet

Victoria Perelet (born 1969 Fergana, Uzbekistan) is an American photographer living in Illinois whose work explores people photography using Large format view cameras.
Early career
During the early 1980s Perelet was involved in commercial still photography for catalogues. She has a degree from Moscow University.
Mid career
In the 1990s Perelet moved to the United States and started her own studio. In the early 1990s most of her work was portraiture, which still dominates her work. In the mid 1990s she became involved in Alternative fashion, at that time little covered by mainstream fashion photographers. She is credited (inteview with Sandra Würdig) for combining mainstream studio techniques in to the Alternative fashion commercial and editorial press.
In the beginning of the 2000s her erotic/fetish work began to be seen in books in magazines by Great Northern Publishing (UK) and some appeared in the book Fetish Anthology edited by Jürgen Boedt.
Her current fashion work is with Savage-Wear (Germany) and Marquis Design.
Bibliography (inteviews and biography)
Bibliography (articles)
Bibliography (Pictorials/covers)
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