
Ventoura was an app for travelers to connect with other travelers and locals in their destination.
Ventoura was founded by Matt Fox, an Australian living in Helsinki in 2014. Fox raised a seed investment round for Ventoura in mid 2014, and Ventoura launched in early 2015.
Due to disputes, Fox left the company to found another mobile application called Sweat Mobile and ended up selling his shares to an investor in early 2016.
Traveler to traveler matching
Travelers create a profile including their travel dates and destinations. Travelers will then be presented with profiles of other travelers who have entered corresponding dates and destinations. The itinerary function means users can connect with other travelers before embarking on a trip.
Traveler to local matching
Using the same interface, travelers can connect with locals hosting tours in their destinations.<ref name="faq"/> The matching function also allows locals to meet travelers while earning income by providing tours.
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