
Venn networks are ""artificial neural network architectures"" are new work in Artificial Intelligence.
Venn-networks were proposed by Fernando Buarque during his PhD under supervision of Philippe De Wilde at Imperial College London - University of London - England, in 2002.
Brain Comparison
Venn-networks have the ability to mimic some brain function at the same time their internal activity resemble what is seen in functional imaging of the brain (i.e. brain imaging). Venn-networks can be used for various simulations of physiological and pathological scenarios of brain functions.
Inspired by the morpho-functional organization of the brain, Venn-networks allow:
# use of different type of processing units - “cortical column”;
# specification of distinct regions within the network structure - “cortical area”;
# use of a wide variety of connection type - “nerve fiber” - among processing units; and,
# specification of a non-trivial connectivity based on the selection of fibers available.
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