Venerable Lama Tharchin Rinpoche

Drubpon Konchog Tharchin Rinpoche was born in 1949 in a small village of Skindiang, located at 4,500 metres in Ladakh. He was believed to have been born for the second time in the same house in this village.
Inseparable from Padmasambhava, is an offshoot, it became a terton, discovering numerous termas.
He is also the spiritual head in France of the Drikung Kagyu tradition of the Tibetan Buddhist Kagyu Lineage..
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche was born in a poor family of Ladakh. He has three brothers (Seunam, Samphel, Djinba) and a sister (Tashi). At the age of 8, he was noticed by Kyoungkar Rinpoche who entered Lamayuru in Ladakh monastery to study and perform two long traditional pensions for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days.
He then became Master of retirement for several years Lamayuru monastery. He also studied Tibetan medicine and astrology.
He received all transmissions of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage by eminent masters of the Kagyupa tradition: Kyabgon Chetsang tulku Rinpoche, Kyabje tulku Togden Rinpoche, Kyoungkar Rinpoche and many others. He also received the transmission of the Nyingma by great masters such as Dudjom Rinpoche who was his Master Chief and the Dalai Lama.
In total, he received more than 2700 transmissions.
It is today, the representative of the two lineages of Tibetan Buddhism: Drikung Kagyu and Nyngmapa.He was considered by Togden Rinpoche as being an emanation of Padmasambhava with the yidam Vajrakilaya. Its name means jewel (Konchog # has omniscience # Tharchin #.) For several years, he was the master of retirement of many lamas in Ladakh.
Heir of the yogas of Naropa and the Phowa, he is a specialist of Tummo, to melt the snow in winter by less 40 ° .
Rinpoche is also a Terton discovering several termas. The most important is the "circle of deep protection". To date, it is installed in France and has many disciples. It has several centres of study and practice of the Dharma. Each year, he gives lessons, organizes courses of Yoga of Naropa, retreats, Tibetan language courses, courses in Buddhism # religion and philosophy.
He initiated the French practitioners in Tibetan Buddhism.
His first mission, as master of Tibetan Buddhism, is to spread the teaching of the Buddha in all directions. To relieve the disadvantaged in the Himalayas and the Tibetan exiles, to enable them to regain their dignity, to rebuild and preserve their culture and their spirituality, he founded the humanitarian association France third-world Himalaya. In 1992, he settled in France and taught from there.
In 2005, he undertook the construction of the Temple of bliss to Mandoglu, small village located in the district of Mandi in Himachal Pradesh in India between Rewalsar and Dharamsala. In 2014, the temple was be opened by His Holiness Drikung Chetsang Rinpoche.
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