
Veloren is an open-source multi-platform voxel action role-playing game inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft.
The game is currently considered to be in alpha and is developed by volunteers from the community, collaborating via GitLab. It is written almost exclusively in the Rust programming language, and the initial commit of the current project repository was on January 1 of 2019. Veloren was created initially as an open-source clone of the popular proprietary indie game Cube World after a period of sustained inactivity by the developer. As more people joined the development team, development focus moved away from the intention of creating a strict clone as additional project goals were taken on. Instead, the current approach is to also simulate interactions between NPCs on a large scale along with terrain generation inspired by real world erosion processes rather than the more popular.
Veloren is open-source and licensed under GPL 3.0. It uses its own assets for music, graphics and animations, all developed by community contributors. Daily builds of the game can be played using its official launcher, Airshipper, also developed by the community.
There are currently six playable species in Veloren; Human, Orc, Dwarf, Elf, Undead, and Danari; the last of these being unique to the game. The species' differences are largely aesthetic, with the exception of minor factors such as mass and size, the latter by extension also affects the size of one's hitbox.
During the creation of a new character, the player must choose between a selection of starting weapons. However, the game is not class-driven and so it is possible to pick up, use, and learn skills associated with any kind of weapon later on. There are skill trees available to each weapon type and the player can unlock and make progress in all of them. There is currently one skill tree for each weapon and a general skill tree for broader abilities. Each weapon has a primary basic attack and one or more abilities as a secondary attack in addition to the hotbar.
While exploring the world, the player is able to use various forms of movement to overcome obstacles such as gliding using hang gliders, swimming, and climbing. Veloren's voxel-based world is large but finite, unlike other voxel-based games. Typically, worlds cover an area of roughly 1000km², although this is planned to be increased in the future. Worlds contain a variety of procedurally-generated elements including NPCs, various creatures, bosses, giant trees, cave entrances, and dungeons ranging in difficulty.
Development on the legacy engine began on May 28, 2018. The project roughly follows a three-month release cycle where each "stable" release serves as a milestone for the community. It has become an informal tradition within the game's community to hold "release parties" on the project's official public server at the day of each new release.
Future Work
Future development goals for the game include a pet and mounting system, a profession system, and more detailed socio-economic world simulation. The core developers publish a weekly development blog on the game's official website containing details about updates and events.
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