Vanity 800 Numbers

Vanity 800 Numbers are powerful advertising tools that help businesses who advertise on a regional or national basis to significantly increase advertising response rates. Well-known examples of vanity 800 numbers include 1-800-FLOWERS , 1-800-PICK-UPS , and 1-800-BEST-BUY .
Companies that use unforgettable vanity 800 numbers in their advertising and marketing materials report increased response rates of 30% or more, with calls coming in months after their advertising campaign has ended.
There are numerous research studies that prove vanity 800 numbers like 1-800-NEW-CARS generate better response rates to advertising campaigns when compared to numeric toll-free numbers (i.e., 800-483-4838) and URLs. A study conducted in 2009 by Infosurv, Inc., reveals that people have a 45% higher recall rate of vanity 800 numbers over URLs. And, that as many as 40% of those surveyed site “Research the Competition” as their first step after visiting an advertiser’s web site. The conclusion of this study is that based on recall rates and online research behaviors, it is essential for companies to include a vanity phone number in addition to their URL in advertising campaigns for optimal lead generation.
There are many articles available that explain the benefits of using vanity 800 numbers in advertising, found at Along with frequently asked questions on how vanity 800 numbers work, where to locate one for a business, and other services that accompany a vanity 800 number at
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