Van Empel Goldman Foundation

The Van Empel Goldman Foundation is a charity registered in the Netherlands under the name ’Stichting Van Empel Goldman Foundation'. The foundation is designated as an
Algemeen nut beogende instelling or in English “Public Benefit Organization” by the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration as of the 18th of April 2017, which coincides with the date on which the foundation was founded. The goal of the charity is to increase opportunities for underprivileged children and to increase their life standards
In their first financial year the charity has started four projects, donating a total amount of €5345,25. These projects are: Getting Along With Garbage, Sekolah Master Indonesia, Pesantren Budaya Indonesia, and Boncehl. Respectively, a six-month project about the environment, a renovation project at a school for underprivileged children, two educational visits to an Islamic Boarding school, and a donation to an orphanage..
The charity receives donations from private donors, their online fundraising campaign, and third party fundraising. The most substantial amount is raised during an annual Christmas market that is organized by the Alberdingk Thijm College in Hilversum. Additionally, the Twitter account of the Indonesian Directorate of Public Diplomacy posted about a meeting between the founders of the charity and their director of Public Diplomacy. Furthermore, a visit by the founders of the charity to a school called ‘MA Ma’arif NU Cilongok’ in the Banyumas Regency was reported in several news reports.
The charity has partnered with Yayasan Trisula Mulya Bhakti which takes care of locally distributing donations and monitoring projects.<ref name=annualreport />
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