V language

V language is a next generation computer language developed by Aasis Vinayak PG. V became popular among programmers through his writings in his columns in various technology magazines. . And it started receiving good response from the developers community in various research institutes. The project received a boost when leading dailies carried stories about the new language.


The unique characteristic of the language is that it has no syntax at all. It uses natural language processing (an AI tool) to process the input given by the users. This allows the users to submit the algorithms in plain English without worrying about the syntax.

Initially the project employed AIML to process natural language. But in the latest release the language uses its own mapping style.


The language is able to process natural language and gives the output in "V syntax". If the input code is

: Include essential files. I wish to do this: I wish to print Hello in the screen. End Program.

This will be converted to V syntax by natural language processing. And the code in "V syntax" will be automatically written by the language

: Include essential files. This is what I want to do. I would like to print string "Hello" in the screen. Exit.


Another characteristic is that V language can be operated both in application mode and as a program language. The package files are distributed via Sourceforge

Other information

The elite versions of the programs are stable and the original source code is available only for developers as many bugs remains to be fixed.

A web based version is also available . There are sample videos available to demonstrate the working of the language (development release) so that netizans can try before downloading the files.. Its motto is - "bringing the Power of Advanced Computing to Common man through Free Software"

=="Loose Syntax"==

V language allows programs to enter algorithm in Natural language. Hence its syntax can be considered as a very loose syntax. The language processes the natural language input and converts that to "V syntax".

Present Stage

The project is only in its pre-alpha stage
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