UW Phases

The UW Phases refer to both the entertainment group and its set of edutainment videos recorded and edited by the Phases Group which consists of a select few law students from the class of 2011 at the University of Wyoming School of Law. The group and its videos have since become a widely recognized sensation, and have influenced several similar acts amongst other universities.
About and Origins
The Phases Group consists of Austin Brister, Scott Murray, and Matthew Schreiner. The videos are recorded and posted during each “finals season” at the Law school, which usually begins about two weeks before the onset of finals, and lasts until the end of finals. The team strictly adheres to a policy of only working on videos during the “finals season.” While the duration and quantity of videos has varied greatly, the cast and production team has remained constant. The first set of phases was posted Spring of 2009, and have since become a hit amongst indie film enthusiasts and law students. Each set of phases has been produced, filmed, edited and distributed strictly during finals season only.
Law Ball Film Festival of 2009
The Phases Group, in cooperation with the University of Wyoming School of Law created a half length movie entitled "Law School" for the Law Ball Film Festival of 2009. The film featured much acclaimed attorney's professional responsibility expert, and author on the subject, John F. Burman. The film featured multi-camera setups, in addition to "cut film" special effects, special fades, multi-track audio interfacing, and "speed-cut-collaging." The film won top honors as the year's best 1L video.
Law Ball Film Festival of 2010
The Phases Group produced, edited, filmed and scored "" for the Law Ball Film Festival of 2010. The 82 person cast and crew consisted entirely of University of Wyoming School of Law law students, faculty and staff.. Additionally, a full length dance routine was prepared by an onsite choreographer, and performed by law students in several locations, and included several strength intensive lifts., dancing by Jessica Gifford and Hall-of-Fame Football Legend Frank Gifford, and musical production by DJ Murray and DJ OzzyWayne.
Phase Set 1
The first set of phases were recorded, edited and posted during the Spring of 2009 finals season at the University of Wyoming School of Law. The videos were primarily available in film format. Subsequently, Facebook was the chosen medium for secondary distribution of most of the videos, for entertainment purposes. However, TokBox was chosen for one file. After noticing that the TokBox file did not receive a wide audience, the TokBox video was also loaded to facebook.com during the Spring 2010 semester. The first set of phases consisted of acting, musical performances, and a choreographed dance..
The phases were quickly met with critical acclaim within the law school community, and gained recognition from the likes of Harvard, Franklin Pierce, and Florida State University Law Schools.
Phase Set 2
Phase set two was recorded, edited and posted during the Fall 2009 finals season at the University of Wyoming School of Law. While this was the first semester to feature video editing, rather than single cut videos, the phase was met with much criticism.
Phase Set 3
The current set of phases, Set 3, is currently in motion. While the Phases committee has been very secretive regarding the Phases, the UW student paper, The Branding Iron, propelled speculation that the widely distributed and professionally produced videos would soon reappear. Word of the latest "Phases" has even hit the blogosphere.
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