Urban alteration game

The Urban Alteration Game (UAG) is an art project developed by artists David Augusto Rios and Jonas Ib F. H. Jensen. It is a board game that aims to engage the players in an alteration of urban landscape.
UAG was developed as an art project at Bergen National Academy of the Arts in 2007. The development of the game is based upon ideas from the Fluxus and Situationism movements such as the Situationist practice of urban drifting, the Dérive. The Dérive is one of the basic Situationist practices. It is a technique of rapid passage through varied urban landscape that involve playful and exploring behavior and awareness of psychogeographical effects.
The Urban Alteration Game consist of a set of rules, a set of strategies and different tools such as the direction tool, the distance tool and the chooser. When playing the game the player will use a map of an urban landscape and a set of strategies. The direction tool, the distance tool, and the chooser determines what strategy to carry out and where on the map to do so. The game play is based on the number 12 so that strategy, direction and distance is determined in intervals of 12.
The game can be played by anyone anywhere in the world. It requires a map of the urban landscape being played in, and a set of easily-made playing tools.
The point of the game is to carry out certain actions in the urban surroundings. The actions are a way for the player to interact with, understand and alter their surroundings. The different actions are to be found on the strategy tool supplied with the game. There are several different strategy tools and the intention is that there will be new strategies being added to the gameplay by its players.
As this is an art project it has also been important to document the result of the gameplay. When a strategy has been carried out and an alteration has been made to an urban enviroment, it should be documented and shared with others. Some of the strategies are impossible to carry through in a physical way which calls upon the player to use his or her imagination and creativity. If it is not possible to carry out the chosen strategy in a physical way or on the actual site it should be done in any other way, for example through using photography, painting or video to record and alter the surroundings.
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