Urania Trust

The Urania Trust (founded 9 November 1970) is an educational charity dedicated to the advancement of astrology.
The Urania Trust (UT) was set up by the British astrologer John Addey who served as its Chairman until his death in 1982. The founding trustees were James Russell, Ada Phillips, Charles Harvey and Tom Fripp. Charles Harvey succeeded as Chair and spearheaded the development of the UT throughout the 1980s and 1990s until his own death in 2000. The position of Chair is currently held by Jonathan Powell.
Charitable aims
The aim of the charity, as set out in its trust deed, are: The advancement of education by the teaching of the relationship between man's knowledge of and beliefs about the heavens and every aspect of his art science philosophy and religion and as ancillary thereto:- to found establish and maintain schools and colleges in Great Britain and elsewhere, to publish and distribute literature, award degrees, diplomas and certificates, organise conferences and summer schools, carry out research and open public reading rooms in connection with the proper teaching of the said subjects.
The present trustees are Jonathan Powell (Chair), Babs Kirby, Lindsay Radermacher and Christeen Skinner.
The Urania Trust has made grants towards research, the translation and publication of papers, journals and books relating to the aims of the trust.
Between 1988 and 2003 it published a widely distributed Guide to astrological journals and associations.
Astrological texts published or distributed by the Urania Trust (UT) include:
*Baigent, M., Campion, N., & Harvey, C. (1984) Mundane Astrology. ISBN 1-85538-140-0
*Elwell, D. (2000) Cosmic Loom. ISBN 1-871989-09-4
*Ertel, S., & Irving, K. (1996) The Tenacious Mars Effect. ISBN 1-871989-15-9
* (2000) Astrology & Kabbalah The Anatomy of Fate. ISBN 1-871989-07-8
*Kollerstrom, N. & O'Neill, M. (1996) The Eureka Effect. ISBN 1-871989-03-5
*Harvey, R. (1996) The Spindle of Meaning. ISBN 1-871989-04-3
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