Unwin Avenue

Unwin Avenue is a street in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
It is approximately long, running east-west south of the turning basin, north of Cherry Beach.
The Hearn Generating Plant, a retired coal-fired electrical plant, anchors the east end of the avenue at Leslie Street.
Port facilities and the International Marine Passenger Terminal anchor the west end of the avenue at Cherry Street.
The entrance to the Leslie Street Spit is at the intersection of Leslie and Unwin.
Environmental concerns
In 1988 Don Peuramaki published a natural history of the roadway.
According to The Canadian Entomologist Cherry Street, between Unwin Avenue and the Keating Channel was the first recorded site of termite infestation in Ontario.
Unwin Avenue is the site of a repository for snow collected from Toronto's streets.
An article in the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering described the environmental effects of runoff from the snow dump.
The nearby Leslie Street spit is an important habitat and stopover site for migrating birds. A report on Tommy Thompson Park's bird sanctuarirs recommended Unwin Avenue as one of the possible locations for an interpretive center, explaining the importance of the spit to the public.
In fiction and popular culture
Shawn Micallef's Stroll: Psychogeographic Walking Tours of Toronto tells sightseers how to recognize the site of the horrific crashes of David Cronenberg's .
In Lethal Rage: A Mystery Brent Pilkey describes Unwin Avenue as
"the perfect setting for a horror movie".
Early on the morning of November 29, 2011, a passing motorist discovered mortally wounded Leanne Freeman, on Unwin Avenue, Toronto's 42nd murder victim of 2011.
On January 8, 2012, an engraved granite stone was placed at 450 Unwin Avenue, near where her body had been found.
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