Tales of Amalthea

Tales of Amalthea is an online project from ArchWing Studios and used with Copic markers, set in the fantasy world of Amalthea. It is filled with fantastical Animals vying for survival. The Creatures, themselves, are designed by Terryl Whitlatch. The project has already launched the website, but is not officially put together yet. The development began on June 30, 2011.
List of Creatures
* Aero-Mammal, a small, flying, green Creature resembling a cross between a Pterosaur and a Sharovipteryx.
* Aerophocid, a gliding, Hooded Seal-like Pinniped that hunts small Birds. It dwells within the mountainous dorsal spines of the Behemoth.
* Archangeles, a beautiful, blue, Greyhound-like Creature with large Bird wings. It is a reference to Archangels.
* Behemoth, a enormous Elephantid with several bizarre tusks, a long tail that drags and dorsal spines that resemble mountains. It is so big that it even supports its own ecosystems of other living things.
* Diploblubb, a huge, blue-colored Amphibian, resembling a huge Diplocaulus (as the name suggests).
* Felinamander, a large, red-colored, Axolotl-like Amphibian. It is a predatory pack-hunter. Packs will use their strength to bring down things bigger than themselves, like a Diploblubb.
* Goram, a massive cousin of the Satyr and Wildegelada, resembling a cross between a Gorilla and a male Bighorn Sheep.
* Jagotter Cat, a small Feline resembling a cross between, as the name suggests, a Jaguar and an Otter. It hunts within the organs of the Behemoth.
* Juggerchelonid, a huge, Snapping Turtle-like Testudine with spikes and horns. Ogres use them as cart-pullers and as living siege weapons.
* Magrot, a huge and vicious Creature resembling a Beetle grub. These massive symbio-parasites dwell within the stomach of the Behemoth, feeding on some of the stomach insides as well as eating any foreign debris from the outside world beyond the Behemoth.
* Ogre, a large and bulky, Toad-like Creature with tall horns and lives in colonies like certain Insects do.
* Questing Beast, a bizarre Creature resembling a cross between a Cobra, Leopard and Deer.
* Rhino-Dino Dragon, a species of fierce Dragon where the young do not have wings but develop them as they mature. Males are blue and red while females are gray and brown. As the name suggests, they look very much like a cross between a Black Rhinoceros, a Hadrosaur and an Ankylosaur.
* Satyr, a Chimpanzee-like Mammal with the horns, hind hooves, teeth and tail of an Ibex. Its closet relatives are the Goram and Wildegelada.
* Scimitar Panth, a large Big Cat with long, tusk-like saber teeth. It has a pair of small horns on the sides of its lower jaw (similar to a Ceratopsian). It is colored like a Snow Leopard and hunts on open ground within the Behemoth's organs, and on its skin too.
* Tezzor, a pack-hunting Hyena-like Creature with six legs and a beak-like mouth with tooth-like extensions.
* Vulturopteryx, a green Bird that looks, as its name suggests, like a cross between a Vulture and an Archaeopteryx. It also has a throat waddle like that of a Marabou Stork.
* Walraptor, a flying, Walrus-like Pinniped with six tusks that point straight out. It dwells within the Plant-filled swamps inside the Behemoth's intestines.
* White Fright, a white, Hornbill-like Bird with a colorful face. It hunts like a Falcon.
* Wildegelada, a cousin of the Goram and Satyr that resembles a cross between, as the name suggests, a Wildebeest and a Gelada.
List not complete yet

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