Ubi spring

UBI Spring(yam spring) is grows in the ground. He lived wild in the secondary forest, shrub and can live in a variety of weather conditions. It can live for many years and are very difficult to die. It is categorized as a wild plant that lives creeping and climbing, and can extend up to 20 meter with its trunk.Its already exits decade of years in the Malaysia rainforest.
A study of ubi spring is showing that it has a high steroid that is important in the production of drugs and hormones which joined the sugar known as saponins that may prevent platelets in the blood clot. The contents were identified could prevent blood clot and diabetes.it have important mineral in iron and magnesium, which increases the energy required to move.
Ubi Spring has a property that has proven its capacity to some common diseases of human didetia. Not infrequently, health experts suggest this ubi spring as a staple food alternatives for certain diseases.
Savor the ubi spring in a number of diseases:
1. Symptoms of anemia
Symptoms of anemia is a symptom of low blood that causes the sufferer fatigue, drowsiness and loss of appetite. Because of its nutritional completeness, the ubi spring is believed efficacious to treat symptoms of anemia.
2. Diabetes
High carbohydrate and natural sugars in the tubers, which are not harmful to the body believed to be eating nutritious substitute for rice by diabetics.
3. Drug constipation
Constipation is a disease caused by hardening of the current fases will be removed. Constipation will make the patients suffer from abdominal pain or cramps during prolonged fases still very firm. Therefore, consuming ubi spring are very high in fiber are proven effective for treating constipation.
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