Two Twenty Two

Two Twenty Two
In 1978 the first Jamaican to be arrested for procession of a controlled substance namely cannabis was sentenced to 22 months in prison. He was arrested with 222 grams of Jamaican sensei at Heathrow Airport. From that moment onwards the term 2-22 was used to describe a person with bad luck. Great lengths were undertaken to avoid the unlucky numbers much as Westerners shun Black Friday 13th. The term was obscure for years before making a brief comeback in the mid-eighties in North America after the rise of its counterpart Four Twenty (4-20). Most people had negative conations associated with 2-22 so its quickly forgotten.
In the 1990s smokers in Holland launched a private club called Two Twenty Two which became an instant hit with local aficionados. The term was used as part of a password which granted members / guests access to a variety of secret parties in Amsterdam and later Utrecht. The term stays underground and was never as main-stream as America’s 420.
European smokers organised secret gatherings on the 22nd February beginning on the first February of the millennium. When this article went to print they were whispers of an annual festival of music, art and literature.
Two Twenty Two: Canadain Musical Duo
Formed in 2005, Two Twenty Two is two established solo singer songwriters. Amanda Brewer and Warren Muzak have brought very different songwriting styles together to create a sound which ranges from traditional country, to folk and blues, to modern rock and jazz.
Muzak is a multi-instrumentalist influenced by classic rock, blues and the Manchester sound of the early to mid 90’s. In 1995, after having held the role of lead guitarist for the Hamilton Ontario based band The Misunderstood, Warren left the group to re-invent himself as a solo artist. Warren found himself playing many roles (and instruments!) to create his sound and promote his work world wide.
Brewer spent years as a ‘dabbler’ in the music biz. Singing in a successful bar cover band for 10 years produced strong stage legs, which today make her a powerful performer of her own compositions. Always a writer, she accumulated shoeboxes full of scribbles on napkins, envelopes and sticky notes, which now step out as songs of exquisite simplicity and stunning reality. She wrote the lyrics for the acclaimed 1999 Soma Sonic debut album, Future, on which she appears with Katalin Kiss as a guest vocalist. Amanda began to play solo in 2005 & was quickly welcomed into the songwriting community in Southern Ontario.
It was through this community that she and Warren met.
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