Two for the Price of One

"Two for the Price of One" is the name of a song recorded by Swedish pop group ABBA in March 1981 for inclusion on their studio album The Visitors.
The song, the last lead vocal sung by Bjorn Ulvaeus, is about a lonely man who answers a personal ad offering "two for the price of one" - only to find that the two women involved are Alice Whiting and her mother.
Demo version
A demo version of the song (only available on bootlegs) differs from the final version in many ways. The woman's name is Alex Lexy (to rhyme with "sexy"; this was changed in the final version to Whiting/exciting), and the punch line involving the mother is left out entirely.
The demo is considerably darker than the light-hearted final version. It is sung from a first-person perspective, and contains the overtly suicidal lyric "there's no romance in my life, sometimes I wish I had a knife." The last word was changed in the final version to "wife".
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