
TWaver is a professional GUI components solution for telecommunication applications developers. TWaver, was Registered in 2001, is one of primary areas of Serva Software company. It provides a set of ready-to-use components and bussiness objects for building various telecommunication Business Support System (BSS), Operation Support System (OSS), Network Management System (NMS) and Element Management System (EMS) including network topology view, equipment view, maps, dashbord, node, link, group, rack, card and etc.
Until now TWaver already support Java Swing, Adobe Flex, Ajax and SVG and Microsoft .NET four flatforms. Each platform can be easily integrated with backend technologies such as Java EE, servlet,etc. In addition, TWaver GIS already support TWaver Java, TWaver Flex and TWaver Web.
TWaver Product family
* TWaver Java: Build on Swing and Java2D technologies
* TWaver Flex: Based on Adobe Flex technology, ActionScript 3 language, RIA solution
* TWaver Web: SVG and Ajax technologies and JavaScripe API
* TWaver .NET: Silverlight and WPF technology and C# language
* TWaver GIS: Integrates GIS, Map and TWaver Network component
TWaver provides predefined components for developers. Based on MVC architecture. Programmer can use TWaver as a library to do rapid GUI development.
TWaver latest version for each product.
* TWaver Java 3.5: released date is at 30 Apr 2010.
* TWaver Flex 1.0: released date is at 26 Feb 2010 .
* TWaver Web 3.5: released date is at 30 Apr 2010.
* TWaver .NET 1.0: released date is at 01 Jul 2010.
* TWaver GIS 3.5: released date is at 30 Apr 2010.

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