Tucson Poet Laureate

The Tucson Poet Laureate is the poet laureate of the city of Tucson, Arizona. Tucson Poet Laureate is a two-year position that may be renewed twice. The 2017 Tucson Poet Laureate was chosen by the City of Tucson, the Arts Foundation for Tucson and Southern Arizona, and the University of Arizona Poetry Center through an open nomination process, with the final selection made by Tucson Mayor Jonathan Rothschild.
The position of Tucson Poet Laureate was established in 1997 by Mayor George Miller, at the suggestion of Tucson poets after poetry was eliminated from state educational requirements.
The official proclamation creating the position, written by the inaugural Tucson Poet Laureate William Pitt Root, describes the post as being "created for a sequence of poets, each of whom, working in this unique capacity, even while acknowledging that we are all eternal mysteries briefly suspended in the passing solution of language, will endeavor to remind us of who we've been, who we are and who we can become."
Poets laureate
* William Pitt Root (1997-2002)
* Ofelia Zepeda (appointed in 2002)
* Rebecca Seiferle (2012-2016)
* TC Tolbert (2017-present)
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