Tropical Towerwars

Tropical Towerwars (TTW) is a team-based (cooperative) Tower defense (TD) custom scenario for Warcraft III . Unlike 'normal' TD games however, creeps (enemy attacking units/monsters) are not automatically summoned (spawned). Creeps are spawned at the cost of a certain amount of gold, by each player in the game.
A TTW game consists of 2 opposing teams, ideally with 3 players each (3v3). Each team has 2 Defenders, and a Goalie. Each player has one builder unit, which is restricted to move and build only within their given region. Teams start with 30 lives each, and lose one life for every creep that reaches their goal.
Once the game has started, players should begin placing towers in a such a way that will best increase the time it takes for creeps to pass through their area. This is best achieved by placing towers in order to make a maze (with one entry and one exit point). The game is won by the team who is able to kill off the other team by reducing their lives to zero.
Online Community
The official TTW website URL can be found at On the website, users can download the latest version of the map, register to a forum, view the latest TTW announcements, learn how to play the game, browse galleries of user-submitted mazes, share and learn strategies, participate in live online-chat with other TTW players, introduce themselves to the community, and more.
Reception and Following
TTW has a large following in South Africa, where it is largely hosted on the Twilight ( server . The download count for the latest version of the map (v5.46b) is above 1000 , however estimates place the download count much higher as the download count was reset after launch of the new website, and users are able to share the map via Warcraft III's when hosting a game, or obtain the map through additional 3rd party sources such as Softpedia .
History and Development
The original map was developed by 'Lord Beppe' and 'WiZe'. The latest version of the map, v5.46b has been developed by 'Apoptose', 'Stefanov' and 'Atrum-Amicus'. The TTW staff team is currently undergoing changes, after the announcement of Stefanov's retirement .
Maze design is a critical TTW aspect. As the number of towers a player is allowed to build is limited, a poor maze design will most definitely lead to the team's failure. A tool called Tropical Towerwars Maze Designer (TMD) was recently developed by 'Atrum-Amicus' and 'TeBBuTT' to allow players to experimentally design and save their mazes 'offline' outside of the game . TMD runs on Windows machines and requires the .NET v2 framework. Additionally, users are allowed to upload their maze designs to the official website for review by the community .
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