Troll Cabal

Troll Cabal (also written, especially on Twitter, as #TrollCabal) is a nonprofit advocacy group of Nigerians that use Twitter to try to bring about social change through what it defines as "harmless trolling," making mockery "of the drama that characterizes ," providing a "counter-narrative that is non-violent and at the same time humorous". It has also been described offhandedly as "an online movement which parodies the happenings in the Nigerian State."
Troll cabal shares nothing in common with Internet troll. Internet trolls are disruptive, abusive and sow discord by posting inflammatory messages in online communities. Rather, the Troll Cabal promotes tolerance in Nigeria's (Twitter) online spaces through humour that is based on truth. The Troll cabal also aims at using satire to highlight serious issues without offending sensibilities.
Founding and constitution
According to Nwachukwu Egbunike, the second "Convener," the group was founded in 2014 in response to the prevailing attitude on Nigerian twitter where so-called "overlords" who spoke on behalf of politicians dominated and distorted discourse in favour of their candidates. "Twitter soon morphed from being simply a networked public square to a theater of political battle."
It is made up of Nigerian Twitter users from diverse ethnic nationalities, political leanings and cultural sympathies and thrives on "the community’s mastery of sarcasm, wit, parody, and playful performance in the criticism of political, social, and cultural anomalies."
The organisation has as its head a "Convener" elected to a one-year term by users on Twitter.
The last elections were held on the week of March 24, 2017.
The founder and pioneering convener was Ikenna Okonkwo (@failedrift), a geologist, university lecturer, and blogger (2014-2015).
The second convener was Nwachukwu Egbunike (@feathersproject), a poet, social media scholar and publisher (2015-2016).
The third convener was also the first female to lead the #TrollCabal, Irene (@cremechic11) who resides in Nairobi, Kenya. (2016-2017)
The fourth convener was Ose Anenih (@PapaDonkee) whose election also ushered in the position of a "Vice Convener" (now occupied by Yemi Adesanya: @toyosilagos) for the first time. (2017-2018)
The current Convener is Jaja(@jajaphd).
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