Trillium Software

Trillium Software is located in Billerica, Massachusetts, United States. It is a division of Harte-Hanks (headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with divisions worldwide). The company is rated by industry analyst Gartner among the leaders in the data quality space, as depicted by the Gartner data quality magic quadrant. The company is also a leader in data quality, according to analyst Forrester.
Trillium Software offers data quality and data profiling software and consulting services. It has several software products designed to automate the process of improving data quality. The solutions offer data discovery, data quality, data enrichment and data monitoring. Its products solutions are most commonly used in projects involving large amounts of name/address and parts data, such as Master data management (MDM), data warehousing, Oracle Applications, Teradata Data Warehouse Applications, customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP).
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