Trick Flow Specialties

Trick Flow Specialties is located in Akron, Ohio and sells to dealers throughout the world.
The company designs and manufactures performance cylinder heads, intake manifolds, camshafts, valvetrain components, throttle bodies, and other bolt-on performance parts for Ford and Chevy.
Products are manufactured in-house on CNC equipment and the engineers use flowbench visualization software, a coordinate measuring machine, and engine dynamometers to test products during several stages of production.
Trick Flow began in 1983, with A460 cylinder heads for big block Ford. Over the next 20 years, the company introduced new technology in cylinder head design, first with the High Port design and then with the Twisted Wedge design.
While Trick Flow revolutionized the Ford small block market with its cylinder heads, the company currently makes cylinder heads, camshafts, valve covers, throttle bodies, intake manifolds, fuel injectors, and other performance parts for small and big Ford and Chevy engines.
Trick Flow is a sponsor in NMRA, and Trick Flow cylinder heads have won more NMRA races than any other cylinder head.
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