Trend Micro Mascot

Captain Cloud is the marketing icon and mascot of Trend Micro APAC.
The story begins with virtualization which has transformed the landscape of the computing world, as the real world becomes increasingly connected, abstracted services available through the internet has given birth to what we refer to now as “The Cloud”.
With it, the vastness of the cyberspace has grown exponentially and created a deep and vast universe. Constantly growing and filling itself with critical data, services and more.
With every good in the world, comes the malicious intention of evil to destroy the tranquility and halt the expansion and progress of this universe. These evil manifest themselves as malware, spyware, trojans and viruses and lurk in the deep darkness of the cloud, sometimes escaping detection totally. On top of that, they often disguise themselves as innocent data traffic, moving along and spreading across the cloud.
There were originally sniffers in the cloud but they were not able to stop these evils … they were too fast, too sly, with some even possessing the ability to evolve and slip back into the darkness, lying in wait, until a date and time when they would launch a full scale attack to wreck chaos and havoc.
The netizens of the cloud grew weary of such attacks, which not only destroyed everything that they built, but damaged things they loved - from digital memories to critical data… the call for help went far and wide across the universe for someone who would stand up against the darkness and halt the spread of this chaos.
For a long time, no one answered this call, and the sniffers struggled to keep the evils at bay, getting by with slow and arduous processes which sapped the power of the netizens. Though with good intentions, these sniffers were becoming cumbersome.
Then one day, hailing from the T.M. Sector of the vast cloud universe… a stranger who referred to himself as “Captain Cloud”, began fighting and defeating the evils. As he walked through the cloud, his luminescent body threw light into the darkness and drove out those who were hiding in the shadows. At first, the evils thought that he was too soft and fluffy to do anything much … but to their horror and surprise, it turned out that his fluffiness is due to his superpower of being able to teleport himself instantly from place to place … here in an instant, and right behind them the next… With his ability, he transfigured the cloud into a powerful sword to battle against the evil forces.
The evils were terrified! For the first time they had someone who really knew how to defeat them! He outshone the original sniffers and quickly rose to fame as being extremely fast and light footed. He is duty-driven and only cares about the netizens’ data and safety. As he moved from sector to sector, he defeated the evils and transformed deep, dark, sectors to habitable, netizen-friendly spaces. The universe was safe again!
The Visor
The visor is connected to an on-board mini computer which is capable of identifying the evil within sight. It scans and computes the origin of the evil and damage inflicted so he knows what he’s up against. Even viruses which have evolved cannot escape!
The Gloves
The gloves are able to gather the cloud around him and transfigure them into a weapon to assist him in battling against the evil forces.
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