
Julianity is a very New Religious Movement, steeped in philosophy and with a belief in a central god known as Julian. Although they believe there is only one god, the Julianites believe in a vast number of semi-devine beings known as demi-gods. In this respect, Julianity is similar to Hinduism, with the demi-gods mirroring Devas. It is believed that there are more demi-gods than Julianites themselves.

One of the main aims of a Julianite is to 'spread the word of Julianism'.

A large part of Julianistic moralism is 'to be nice to each other'. This is similar to the Christian New Testament's overarching theme, from The Good Samaritan to Turn the other cheek . The agapeistic calculus (love thy neighbour) is said to be a crucial moral to follow if one's judging in the afterlife will be positive.

Julianity teachings clearly state several times that the Earth, and in fact the whole thing we call the 'universe', is 'sitting' on one of the branches of the indescribable 'tree of life'. The tree is given many names, but little is known about it. It is rumored that the worlds of the afterlife are also situated on this tree, along with everything else. The image of the 'World Tree' is present in several mythologies and a few religions. Julianity's idea of the World Tree is similar, but does vary slightly, and can be read about in the holy book of Julianity.
For example, Julian recounts a time when pure evil existed in every branch of the tree of life, bringing chaos into the world. However, the all-powerful Julian banished this evil from the tree and it now resides deep underneath the tree's roots. Julian explains the existence of evil in the world by saying that the evil is sucked from beneath the tree through the roots and therefore essence of evil seeps into the branches. However the almighty Julian tells us that the evil cannot reach the highest branch on the tree of life, Heaven (highest world for the after-life).

It has been said that only Julianites can enter Julianity's Heaven, but that there may be many more worlds to be placed into if you are not a follower, or were simply not a good enough person to be let in. Ranging from Heaven to Hell, there are said to be a number of World's designed for eternal life and depending on your deeds in life the great judge will determine where you are placed for eternity. More can be found within the holy book of Julianity.

The holy book of Julianity is a working process and Julian has entrusted the writing of the holy text to a select few of his current followers, who will be writing their own gospels about the aspects of Julianity that they can see in the world. It is rumored that the great Lord Julian himself will be adding to the holy text by writing the introduction.

extract from The Book of The Tree

"... Julian walked for days across the dusty plain that was his reality, filled with anger and contempt at the bleakness of the universe. His journey took him longer than even he could imagine but at last he found something, something alive. A tree, a magnificent oak stood on it's own. The ground was hard and dry but Julian was sure that the tree's roots ran deep, the arid land did not explain the tree's deterioration....
...Julian knew he must try to help the giant oak but didn't know how. He sat at the base of the tree and slowly watched the leaves drop off and the branches grow weak. At long last he came to the decision that he would climb the tree, all the way to the top and survey the landscape. As he took hold of the first branch he withdrew and gasped, he could feel evil and malice on the tree smothering the life out of it. He know knew how to help the tree, he took hold of the branch again and climbed up onto it. Clinging to the branch, he lay willing the evil away with all his faith, all his power. Nothing about the tree changed, after a time Julian decided to climb to the next branch, also covered in evil. Again he willed the evil away, he spent twice as long as he had on the first but still nothing changed. This went on for some time, he moved from branch to branch willing the evil away, careful not to miss a single one until at last he reached the top branch. As he took hold of the branch he knew something about it was different, the evil had a weaker hold on it, though it had seemed his efforts had been fruitless he had been weakening the evil all the time. He clung to the top branch and willed one last time that the tree be free of the poison that gripped it. As he sent his power into the tree's branch he felt the evil crumble underneath it's touch. Encouraged by this, he sent more and more power into the tree, slowly but surely driving the evil from the tree. As his power reached the lower branches he knew that he did not have enough power to save the tree without a price. Drawing his last reserves of his waning power he sent his very life's power into the tree, the evil buckled and fell below the ground but this victory had come at a price, Julian's body was dead and broken but graciously for us, his soul rose, and in his infinate wisdom decided to live in the tree, and give other's the chance of living without his trails, for he had earned the right to be the one to offer forgiveness, he had shown he was worthy of our care and he knew he would do what is right, no matter what it cost him. Thus came to us our lord and cleansed the universe we live in, saving us from his troubles."

There are of course people that oppose Julianity but the Julianites accept this with a sad knowledge that these people's after-life will not be as good as theirs.
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