Transdimensional mathematics

the adjustments that must be made to accommodate changing dimensions to mathematical functions. The higher the dimension the smaller the derivative becomes for the same function, at infinite dimensions it is zero. The higher the dimension the larger the integral for the same function, until at infinite dimensions integral is infinity.
The concept of transdimensional mathematics came about from the research of Bhekuzulu Khumalo into knowledge. Giving knowledge a unit, the knowl, short for knowledge, giving anything a unit allows one to look at a phenomenon more scientifically, you cannot conceptualize quantity without ability to imagine measuring that phenomenon. The knowl was created for conceptualization purposes similar to concept of util s in economics, hypothetical units to help us understand a discipline. Giving a unit and ability to conceptualize basic mathematics, knowledge behaved oddly, basically when somebody tells you what you do not know, they add to your knowledge, when somebody tells you something you know, they add nothing to your knowledge base. Believing there must be a scientific explanation for all variable behavior, Khumalo left it alone as it was seemingly inexplicable falling out of bounds of traditional variable classification, and .
Needing to think like outside the box like Einstein, Khumalo wrote a paper "The variable time: crucial to understand. knowledge economics" he realized upon completion of said paper that the question for knowledge's odd behavior was that of dimensions. When told of something you do not know there is addition to your knowledge base, knowledge is behaving as a variable with three dimensions. When somebody tells you something you do know, they add nothing to your knowledge base, knowledge is behaving like a variable with infinite dimensions. It is easy to pick up at infinite dimensions, there is no rate of change to your knowledge base when told something you already know.
The higher the dimensions the more mathematical functions clump up until at infinite dimensions all functions are equal, such that we get a situation whereby Y X e , lnX ƒ(x), all derivatives are equal and all integrals are equal.
Time and Dimensions
Khumalo's thoughts are that at infinite dimensions time would cease changing, but as we have verified time dilation, perhaps when we witness significant time dilation there is a case of dimensions coming into effect. What this interestingly means is that effects of other dimensions are constantly around us and everywhere.
Khumalo Derivative
This is a derivative showed by Khumalo for three dimensional variables, it is smaller than traditional derivative, but larger than zero as expected because traditional derivative according to Bhekuzulu Khumalo should be strictly limited to one dimensional variables. The khumalo derivative follows pattern of Pascal's triangle, except the first row of ones does not exist and positive and negative figures interchange such that in row 5 of Pascal's triangle we have 1 4 6 4 1, with khumalo derivative it would also form a triangle but it would be row 4 and it would be 4 -6 4 -1. Row 6 of Pascal's triangle reads as 1 5 10 10 5 1, with khumalo derivative it would be 5 -10 10 -5 1. This triangle could very well be known as khumalo triangle one day.
Khumalo, Bhekuzulu The concept of the mathematical infinity and economics, Modern Economics Vol.3 No.6, (October 2012)
Khumalo, Bhekuzulu The concept of the mathematical infinity and economics research note International Advances in Economic Research Volume 17, Issue 4
(November 2011)
Khumalo Bhekuzulu Derivative of three dimensional variables Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical Volume 3, (Number 3 2011)
Khumalo Bhekuzulu The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management (January, 2009)
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