Train Cable UAV

A Train Cable UAV (TCUAV) is a combination of three concepts :unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), unmanned ground vehicle (UGV), and an electric train. A TCUAV consists of an overhead, unmanned "train" (a monorail or similar motive power unit) receiving energy from cables installed on dedicated electric towers, and of a UAV which is connected to the train unit by way of an electric cable, capable of sending power and signals while receiving signals.
The TCUAV concept provides for a fixed-route surveillance system with flexible overhead video monitoring, and a variety of responses to perceived threat.
The use of fixed-route electric lines provides an extended time of operation for the UAV, which may be powered entirely by electricity. The TCUAV may be operated day and night, and it may hover for an extended time in the vicinity of an acquired target.
When connected by cable, the UAV is in a fully charged state, thus allowing short-range pursuit or interception after disconnecting from the cable.
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