Train a Puppy to Stop Biting

Young pups in general have a frequent need to bite and chew. When at this stage, one needs to find a way to control them and only have them eat the right things. As you train them to control their need to chew and bite, provide a suitable outlet for the puppy to chew. This can be in form of the following items like Gum bones, rawhides’ chew toys.
A method that helps when your puppy tries to bite your fingers is letting out a loud yelp imitating a hurt puppy. Proceed to fold your arms ignoring him for a while and after this, get a play toy and encourage the puppy to play with the toy. If he tries to nip your fingers, repeat yelping while walking away. Note that one lets out a startling yelp enough to stop the behavior.
This is a great tip for young puppies and one can be surprised on how it really works. This also works when they get rough with another puppy. A wounded puppy yelps and runs off refusing to play for a while.
Because puppies have different personalities this approach can fail to work. However, another option is to resort to the use of bitter apple which has been found to have promising results.
Games that encourage biting like tug of war, chase and tackle and games where one actively encourages the puppy to bite a person should be discouraged at this stage. Also innocent games like dangling treats making the puppy to jump for them can injure growing joints. Always reverse the rules in cases where a puppy brings a toy to play with you.
Another important approach is to enroll your puppy in a class tailored for young puppies to train them in proper guidance. With the guidance of an instructor, introduce discipline by grasping the recalcitrant pup by the scruff of the neck in one hand placing the other hand over the top of his muzzle and using a growly tone of voice say “Don’t Bite.” Hold the line until she gives in. usually, simple restraint is enough to convey the message.
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