Traditional easy-swim styles

Easy-swim techniques
Traditional easy-swim styles are:
* Elementary backstroke
* Inverted breaststroke
* Long backstoke
* English backstroke
* Dalton
* Water stride
* Tortoise
* Float stroke
* Sepia bone
* Mantle stroke
* Inverted bat
* Bat stroke
The frequency of this convenient swim was habitual almost in XVIII century, from the very pioneers of this style, that one could think of similarities in swimming tradition and practice. This tradition correlate with areal of Celtic countries and great river religion/mythology, specifically France, Germany and England. Technique was convenient having implied easy swim drills relaying on float and glide phase that was custom and is repeatedly proved in literature of old as well as new age. The sort of technique was applicable in calm waters, as entertainment or just effortless tread, that is used in rivers and open waters. Easy swim of effortless sides or long gliding phase, not only on floating swim techniques. Convenient similarities are found in seaman, long side technique, long backcrawl, and side trudgen.
Those English, French or German writers of Celtic areal are of somewhat same procédé. In backstroke technique differences are fewer and well refined. Starting from historical and traditional, elementary backstroke Muts, Long thrust Clias, to traditional English backstoke. Back float is relaying on float glide propulsion, with no disturbances, or in the case of double over arm soft glide and propulsion.
Combinations of float stroke include: float flutter, float frog, float scissor, floating flutter/scissor, as in composite side to back: over arm 1 arm lead flutter, over arm 1 arm lead frog, over arm 1 arm lead dolphin to float stroke.
Historical and easy swim techniques
Elementary backstroke
Simple backstroke where the arms are simultaneous pulled through under water and make a half pull through.
Inverted breaststroke
This swimming-stroke looks like the simple backstroke where the arms are simultaneous pulled through under water until they are stretched above the head. The leg stroke is a frog-kick. This swimming-stroke is good to swim and is a good exercise for example the English backstroke.
Back trudgeon
This swimming-stroke looks like the Backcrawl where the starting position is on the back and the body rolls when the leg stroke begins. The arms are pulled over one at a time, just like with the backcrawl. The leg stroke is a scissor-kick and starts when one of both arms is pulled over.
Long backstroke
This swimming-stroke looks like the simple backstroke where the arm stroke is a so-called double overarm-stroke. The arms are simultaneous pulled through (a full pull through) followed by a reasonably long gliding-phase (2-3 seconds).
English backstroke
The English backstroke is the modern version of the Long backstroke. This swimming-stroke looks like the Long backstroke and exist out of two long gliding-phases. That means that a gliding-phase follows when the arms are stretched next to the body and when the arms are in front of the body.
The body position is on the back and the arms are kept under water while they are simultaneous pulled through horizontally in opposite direction compared with the Long backstroke.
The special leg stroke looks very similar to treading water. Because this swimming stroke is swum backward to the direction of the feet, it is the intention to move your feet on a certain way so you will move backwards. The legs usually alternate continuously while others add a short gliding phase when the arms are moved above the head.
Back trudgeon
This swimming-stroke looks like the backcrawl where the starting position is on the back and the body rolls when the leg stroke begins. The arms are pulled over one at a time, just like with the back-crawl. The leg stroke is a scissor kick and starts when one of both arms is pulled over.
Water Stride, Stride Stroke
Inverted octopus, hands do not bend but move simultaneously with legs performing float kick, in a strong and rigid swings like those of water stride.
Turtle Stroke, Tortoise
On the breast, extend right arm then pull, after pushing with the left leg (while opposite limbs are recovering), then opposite limbs repeat this process, i. e. left arm pulls after right leg pushes. Uses muscles of the waist. Head can easily be above or below water: this is a slow but very sustainable stroke, common in turtles and newts.
Inverted Bat Stroke
Same as bat stroke, but on the breast.
Mantle stroke, flying backstroke
Arms move like wings of raze ( or bird) elegantly folding in the elbow and wrists joints stretching from above the head to beneath the shoulder. Legs do perform float or flutter kick.
Bat stroke
Backstroke, hands parallel to surface moving from above the head to the hips. Legs perform butterfly kick at the finish of hands turn.
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