
TorrentRoot is a BitTorrent Meta-search engine and does not host any torrents itself. Instead it allows the users to select several popular torrent search engines. Then when the user searches, it will return the results for all the selected sites simultaneously and display them in tabs. This reduces the time it takes to browse multiple torrent sites, because there is no load time when switching between sites.
TorrentRoot has been listed as one of the top 35 bittorrent sites of 2009,
and one of the top five of 2010.
The site was launched in July 2009, and has been updated several times since. In October 2009, a feature was added allowing any search engine to be added to Torrent Root's multiple search abilities.
In early February of 2010 Torrent Root launched Version 2, which is a total rewrite from the original version.
Web Application
Torrent Root is the first Torrent search engine that is a Web-based application; it runs in one page and doesn't require a page refresh. The application runs as javascript in the web-browser.
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