A Toothiologist is a term that describes an "alternative medicine therapist working in the dental field, without any obvious dental background". It is also widely used to describe a bad or not real dentist. The term toothiologist first showed up in public, used by Irish comedian Dara Ó Briain in one of his sketches on alternative medicine therapists. With this term Dara Ó Briain tries to give a notion of an alternative medical therapist that would be so ludicrous and unreal, no one would ever fall for such a scam: Not a real dentist but some alternative therapist doing something with teeth. Little did Dara Ó Briain know that there is in fact a Dutch based toothiologist called Jacob Brandsma, who uses ozone therapy to treat dental decay. He has a background as a chiropractor and is not a dentist or has any known and relevant background in the dental field . There have been earlier inquiries of Dutch law enforcement but until now Jacob Brandsma, even though highly controversial, hasn't been proven to break the law.