Tom MacWright

Tom MacWright (born March 26, 1987) is an Open-source software developer. He is the lead architect of Mapbox's open source mapping stack, including Mapbox Studio, Mapbox.js, and Mapbox GL JS. He received a bachelor's degree in Computer Science from William and Mary in 2009.
Geographic data and information
MacWright has written several introductory guides to geospatial data and information including, and MacWright has also built Open-source software GeoJSON tools, including:, a open source collection of GeoJSON <nowiki/>data for "web mapping examples and experiments, and, a web browser editor for geographical data.
Open-source software contributions
MacWright is a frequent speaker on open source mapping technologies, having presented at the International Conference on Crisis Mapping, GOSCON, Where 2.0, FOSS4G, and OpenStreetMap’s State of the Map conferences. In February 2013 MacWright lead a DC Code Hackathon to provide structured digital access to Washington, D.C.'s legal code at
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