
TipTopJob.com is an Internet Job Board. It allows you to search through thousands of jobs across 34 different industries and apply online. The site has a few methods to help the job seeker find a job: you can set up email alerts, add your CV in the hope of being headhunted and use the Careers Centre which is updated daily.
TipTopJob is an on-line job advertising medium that allows recruiters and employers to advertise their job vacancies for exposure to a worldwide audience of jobseekers.
TipTopJob was designed and developed over 2½ years by a team of people, led by Development Manager Anjim Qureshi and was the idea of CEO, Mike Dauncey. It was finally launched in August 2002.

The website proved successful and in 2004 the network was expanded. Industry-specific sites were launched due to demand for the niche products and later that year their International offices opened in New York, Singapore, Sydney, Dubai, Brussels and Stockholm.
About The Group
TipTopJob.com is part of a larger network of jobsites which are part of The TipTopJob Group. There are 35 specialist jobsites called theINDUSTRYjob.com where the INDUSTRY changes according to that sector e.g. theITjob.com, theSALESjob.com etc. etc.
Each of these jobsites focuses on 1 industry sector and have country domains for the 83 countries covered as well as the global www. domains. For example, uk.theITjob.com, ie.theITjob.com, us.theITjob.com, www.theITjob.com. This allows clients to be able to be location specific.
About The Wider Group
The TipTopJob Group is also part of The TipTop Group which is a network of advertising sites. TipTopJob is the first of the group and TipTopCar.com has recently launched. This allows people to buy and sell cars and vehicles online.
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