Timothy Doner

Timothy Doner is an 18-year-old New York student and polyglot. He is known to speak over 20 different languages at varying levels, some of which he is merely proficient in and others where he has reached pure fluency and spontaneity. He is starting his freshman year at Harvard University next year and plans to study linguistics.
Timothy Doner interest in language began during his Bar Mitzvah training, when he was able to master modern Hebrew relatively quickly.
Doner can now claim to be a hyperpolyglot (a phrase coined by Richard Hudson that is used as a common title for individuals who can speak twelve or more languages fluently).
List of languages spoken
Doner owns a Youtube page, under the name "Polyglot Pal", in which he posts videos of himself speaking various languages (in varying degrees of proficiency). The languages he can currently speak vary from African to Slavic and various European languages:
*Ancient Greek
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